An architectural walkthrough is one of the most essential elements to sell the space and also to communicate the design intent with enhanced visualization. It determines the space’s key features and functionalities before it is even built. It lets you evaluate your interiors and exteriors in a realistic environment, illustrating the appropriate lighting configurations, textures, visual effects, background, sound, and so on. But how much does it cost? What is the value of creating the same? Is it feasible to have a walkthrough for all scaled projects?
These are a few questions that arise in the mind while creating a 3D walkthrough, as the cost is a key factor and plays a vital role in planning the marketing budget for any architectural project. To calculate the same, numerous factors are responsible for determining the value of Walkthrough Services. Below is the infographic depicting the evaluation of the significant factors.
The above factors majorly influence the value and costs of the walkthrough. Apart from these, the number of revisions, adjustments, changes, extensions, etc., in the walkthrough costs additional. If you are clear on the above criteria, you can definitely set a budget for your walkthrough and prevent overpaying.