Cultures and Architectures

What we know about architectures is that whatever has been built has come after standing the test of time. It is essential to understand that a lot of demographic intelligence went into preparing the buildings of the old and the weather conditions in the area have only added to the fine style of living. The whole idea behind bringing forward that intelligence has defined the way structures have been made.

Areas with high earthquakes have got a different kind of building structure than the place with high density floods or extraordinary rainfalls. Over a time civilizations have fallen prey to misunderstood phenomena but that is how modern architectural study has evolved – based on the understanding of the how the soil to how the winds behave.

Different cultures thereby built the entire civilizations depending upon the understanding of what ticks off and what keeps the buildings strong in the foundation. Because they had a sound knowledge of all these factors, the structures that they have created have stood for a longer period of time and hence we are able to see the stepwells and palaces that were built in a time when technology was not so advanced.

Cultures also affect the way the inner decorations of any buildings are made. The furnishings, decor, furniture, combination of colors are some of the factors that are essential when it comes to deciding how the entire architecture is going to look on the inside rather than the outside. The cultural balance hence, decides the beauty of any structure.